10710441_876977382335121_6685503166104532621_o  Theresa A. “Terri” Savelli, Sales Associate at Terrie O’Connor Realtors’ Allendale Office, once again organized a “Toys for Tots” collection for the company to participate in this year.

  Terri reached out to the community and fellow Terrie O’Connor Realtors agents in order to gather enough toys to fill multiple boxes to donate to children less fortunate. With donations from neighbors and co-workers, Terrie O’Connor Realtors was able to collect an entire truckload of toys. Terri also received a very generous donation of toys, over five large boxes, from Adrienne & Greg Tenbekjian, owners of Jumbleiah in Allendale. Terri also set up a station at the Allendale Holiday Walk in early December where she was able to receive toy donations from the public and hand out bowls of soup to visitors. The donations were graciously picked up and delivered by the Allendale Fire Department.

  “The objectives of Toys for Tots are to help less fortunate children throughout the United States experience the joy of Christmas; to play an active role in the development of one of our nation’s most valuable resources – our children; to unite all members of local communities in a common cause for three months each year during the annual toy collection and distribution campaign; and to contribute to better communities in the future.” For more information about “Toys for Tots,” please visit their website at http://www.toysfortots.org.

  Pictured: Savelli (third from left) with fellow Terrie O’Connor Realtors’ Allendale Office Sales Associates